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Pru Life UK's Pulse app offers free 45-day COVID-19 insurance

With the on-going virus outbreak in the Philippines, Pru Life UK sees the need to protect more Filipinos as they launch their mobile app called Pulse. The insurance company is offering a free 45-day COVID-19 insurance for the first 500,000 users who will download and install the app.

In their recent press release, Pru Life UK described Pulse as an "artificial intelligence-powered health and wellness app that offers holistic health management".

Pru Life UK's free insurance comes with a death benefit of P100,000 if the insured passed away due to accident or as a result of COVID-19. If you happen to be a health worker, the company will double the COVID-19 death benefit coverage to P200,000.

The free 45-day insurance that the company is offering is applicable to all Filipinos aged 18 to 64. No purchase of any insurance product is required.

This exclusive offer will start on April 13, 2020. Note that you'd have to be one of the first 500,000 Filipinos to register in the Pulse app so do it the soonest!

You may download the Pulse app on your Android or iOS devices via this link. Download and register now, mga Kuripot!

To know more about this offer, you may visit Pru Life UK's article here.  
Pru Life UK's Pulse app offers free 45-day COVID-19 insurance Pru Life UK's Pulse app offers free 45-day COVID-19 insurance Reviewed by KJ on 3:49:00 AM Rating: 5

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