Stay in touch, mga Kuripot! Once a week we send a digest with our most popular articles and events.

Grab offers P300 off rides from Cebu Airport Grab offers P300 off rides from Cebu Airport Reviewed by KJ on 2:06:00 PM Rating: 5
Uber Halloween Treat: P100 off 2 trips! Uber Halloween Treat: P100 off 2 trips! Reviewed by KJ on 12:19:00 PM Rating: 5
uberPOOL Promo: P50 off 5 rides next week! uberPOOL Promo: P50 off 5 rides next week! Reviewed by KJ on 6:16:00 PM Rating: 5
Dairy Queen: Blizzard's Buy 1 Take 1 10th Anniversary Promo Dairy Queen: Blizzard's Buy 1 Take 1 10th Anniversary Promo Reviewed by KJ on 8:33:00 PM Rating: 5
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