Kuripots, if you are serious about learning how to save and invest money, you have to invest in yourself. Investing in yourself means doing your own research before putting your money into something you don't have much information. You just can't save or invest your money in a company or product you don't know much. Be the wise investor! Be the wise kuripot!
Now, the first problem for wise kuripots out there is where to attend financial literacy seminars. Being kuripots like us, we normally don't want to spend. If we can attend a seminar for free, then that would be great!
Here's one of those legit free financial literacy seminars. Entitled Enlarge 2016, this financial literacy summit aims "to equip and transform attendees towards experiencing financial abundance through teaching God's key financial principles on building true wealth!"
Enlarge 2016 is organized by the Christian community Fullness of Christ International Ministries. To be held at the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas Assembly Hall on November 16, 2016 1PM-6PM.
For reference, the summit's topic and resource speakers are listed below:
While Enlarge 2016 is free, registration is needed. Register now as there will only limited slots available. To know more about Enlarge 2016 and to get your tickets, click here.
- Enlarge your STRENGTH by Broderick Santos
- Enlarge your FINANCIAL BEHAVIOR by Randell Tiongson
- Enlarge your SURPLUS by Marvin Germo
- Enlarge your CASHFLOW by Miriam Quiambao
- Enlarge your FUNDING by Jane Gonzales
- Enlarge your IMPACT by Diwa Guinigundo
While Enlarge 2016 is free, registration is needed. Register now as there will only limited slots available. To know more about Enlarge 2016 and to get your tickets, click here.
Note that this blog, Kuripot Journal, is not related nor a sponsor of Enlarge 2016. I am merely one of the excited kuripot attendees. See you there, kuripots!
Enlarge 2016: Free Financial Literacy Summit
Reviewed by KJ
2:11:00 AM

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